This is Tamil rasi palan 2016 horoscope Rasipalan Tamil Jothidam Panchangamastrology for mesham, rishaba, mithuna, katakam, simmam, Kanni, thulam, Viruchigam, thanusu, makaram, kumbam, meenam.
Mesha rasi palan 2016 Tamil Aries horoscope
people are career oriented people. Your hard work and ambitious nature will
take you to the path of success. The year is good for promotion and high social
status. Married life will not be smooth; you may face some internal disputes
with family members. Try to give some time for your family also. Over stress in
job and career may lead to high blood pressure and other stress related
problems. The chances of marriage are very dim during this year for the
bachelors. Though the income flow is good, unnecessary expenses may disturb
your budget. Chances of long business tours are highly predicted. New contacts
will be useful in business
rasi palan Tamil 2016
Taurus horoscope
he people
under this rashi are very close to family members. The year 2016 is going to
gift you with some memorable moments. Bachelors can dream about finding
suitable life partner during 2016. You will get good news from the family
members. Also the year 2016 will bring a lot of financial success for Taurus
people. Expenses will be more but because of financial growth you will be well
capable to handle it. Sudden property gain is predicted during this year. Some
minor health problems may occur during this second half of the year. Business
and family tours are predicted during this year
rasi 2016 predictions Tamil Gemini
horoscope palan
The year is
going to prove successful for the people under this rashi. Overall the year is
going to bring lots of good fortune for you. The job change or promotion is
highly predicted. New job opportunities will be at your door step and it is
advised to grab the opportunity. Financial flow will be moderate but try to
avoid unnecessary expenditure. Family life will be cheerful and supportive. Health
will be fine during this year. Those who are waiting for marriage bells can
find suitable match in this year
Kataka rasi
2016 predictions palan Tamil Cancer horoscope
under cancer rashi are very sensitive and over emotional. The year 2016 will
not prove easy for the people under this rashi. Married people may face some
complications in their relationship. Those who are engaged in love relationship
should be more careful in this year. Financial flow will be regular and you
will be able to save enough money. The people who are in art related field can
achieve success during this year. Long journeys are expected but try to avoid
water journeys. Health will be good throughout the year.
Simha rasi
palan 2016 Leo horoscope Tamil prediction
The people
under this rashi love domination. But you need to control your temper during
this year. Family disputes are predicted in the year 2016. Career side will be
good and you can gain huge success with your efforts. The year is very good in
financial matter. You can lead a luxury life as your financial status will be
pretty high. Major health problems are not seen during the year. Chances of
wedding bells are good for bachelors. Business tours will prove successful.
Kanni rasi
palan 2016 virgo horoscope Tamil prediction
The people
of Virgo rashi will enjoy best career prospects in the year 2016. It is the
best time for them who wish to start their own business. If you are engaged in
family business then it is the time to touch the new height of success. The
year is very good for the people who are in IT field or in teaching field.
During the second half of the year you may face some financial problems, so it
is better to save some amount to handle the situation. Minor health problems
will occur during first few months of 2016.
Thula rasi
palan 2016 Tamil horoscope prediction for Libra
The year is
going to prove very good for your career. Those who are in job can expect
promotion. New opportunities will knock the door of business people. The
financial status will be high during this year but the planet condition warns
you to control unwanted expenditure. The time is best for the people who are in
love; chances of marriage are very high. The married couple will share a very
good time together. Family life will be very good. Small family tours will make
your life cheerful. Be careful while driving a vehicle. Health side will be
good but avoid taking extra stress.
rasi palan 2016 Scorpio horoscope tamil astrology
You need to
be patient during the year 2016. There will not be any significant change or
improvement in your job or career. Business people can expect good
opportunities during the second half of the year. Financial flow will be
regular but some unexpected expenses may disturb your budget. Chances of theft
and robbery are predicted so better to be alert while travelling. Those who are
in search of a life partner need to be selective before taking any final
decision. Some stomach and digestion related problems are predicted.
rasi palan 2016 Sagittarius horoscope Tamil
Your hard
work and ambition will show you the way towards success. The career side will
be strong this year. The seniors will appreciate your efforts. Chances of high
promotion or job change are bright. You can enjoy financial as well as social
status this year. Family life will be bit stressful. Avoid disputes upon small
misunderstandings. You may face some health problems during the year 2016.
Blood pressure patients need to be alert, avoid taking extra stress which can
spoil your health. Bachelors can hope to find better life partner.
Makara rasi
palan 2016 Capricorn horoscope Tamil
Capricorn people are emotional people and sometimes this can lead to lots of
misunderstandings. Avoid disputes with your life partner. Career side will be
strong enough but you need to give your best efforts. Money flow will be
satisfactory. But avoid extra expenditure on unnecessary things. Long business
journeys are predicted. Females under this rashi need to be alert about the
health problems. The year is good for students.
Kumba rasi
palan 2016 Aquarius horoscope Tamil
The people
under this rashi are supposed to be the day dreamers. This year demands your
hard work to gain success. The year 2016 is going to bring lots of stress and
tension in your life. Those who are in the field of arts can gain success only
after showing their talent. Business journeys may not be fruitful. During the
second half of the year some health problems are predicted.
Meena rasi
palan 2016 Pisces horoscope Tamil
The year is
very good for Pisces people. You can achieve a big success in the field of
career. Lots of business opportunities will knock your door in this year. Those
who are in love, need to be very careful during the month of September and
October. The year is very good for students; you can achieve high success in
studies with minimum efforts. The financial side will be unaffected and you
will be able to clear your old debts.