Tamil Aadi Matha Rasi Palan
- Here is July Month Rasi palan 2012, Tamil Aadi Matha Rasi Palan prediction as per the palce of Sevvai, sani ragu kethu, sun and guru.
- July Month Rasi palan 2012: Mesha rasi palan July 2012: Timely help from a popular personality and you will buy some costly things or a residence.
- Rishaba rasi palan July 2012: Reduce your anger and be calm, you will face some bad situation this month.
- Mithuna rasi palan July 2012: chance to get some health problems and ragu is very strong so you will get some strangers help.
- Kadaga rasi palan July 2012 : sani from 2nd house is moving to his 3rd place so chance to save some money for your family.
- Simha rasi palan July 2012: you will finish hard and pending work this month very easily. Chance for eye infection and irritation.
- Kanni rasi palan July 2012 : July month brings great victory for you and take care of your health. Control your food and go for diet.
- Thula rasi palan July 2012 : Sun in 9th and Guru is in 8th position. Take care of your father’s health and time for travel.
- Viruchigam rasi palan July 2012 : Good financial situation and the fresher’s will good job opportunities by the month of July
- Dhanusu rasi palan July 2012 : Sun is at 7th position so it is difficult to control your anger. Happy news from children side.
- Makara rasi palan July 2012: Guru is in 5th position so calm and happy family situation. Sevvai 8th house is now moving to 9th so all your problems get solved.
- Kumbha rasi palan July 2012: Sevvai 7th house gave you more problems now it is moving to 8th place so little tension reduce.
- Meena rasi palan July 2012: Sevvai 6th house gave some relation breaks but this month chance for rebinding.